Kedgley Intermediate

Believe Become Inspire

Kedgley Intermediate

Believe Become Inspire

Kedgley Intermediate

Believe Become Inspire

Kedgley Intermediate

Believe Become Inspire

Kedgley Intermediate

Believe Become Inspire

Kedgley Intermediate

Believe Become Inspire

Kedgley Intermediate

Believe Become Inspire

Kedgley Intermediate

Believe Become Inspire


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Message from the principal

“Warm Pasifika greetings and welcome to our website which will provide insight into our purpose, values and aspirations for all year 7 and 8 learners at Kedgley Intermediate. With the unique character of learning for two years at intermediate school, our primary purpose is to ensure all involved with Kedgley Intermediate are nurtured with a sense of kotahitanga; focusing on the learner holistically. Our mantra of ‘Believe, Become, Inspire’ promotes an environment that is safe and nurturing and where potential is seen in every learner.”

Pelu Leaupepetele, Kedgley Intermediate Principal

Information on enrolment, strategic plan, newsletters, annual accounts and our Whānau Handbook.

Information about the KIS Learner, reporting to parents/caregivers and how you can help with your child’s learning at home.

Information about the Kedgley Intermediate School Board, Staff and Student Leaders.

Our Purpose

“To nurture our community of akonga to succeed through acceptance, confidence & connection”

“Te poipoi i tō tātou hapori ākonga kia angitu ai i runga i te ngākau māhaki, te māia me ngā hononga”

KIS Learning Community

What’s On

2025 Term Dates

Term 1: Thursday 30 January – Friday 11 April
Term 2: Monday 28 April – Friday 27 June
Term 3: Monday 14 July – Friday 19 September
Term 4: Monday 6 October – Monday 15 December

School Hours:

8:45am – 3:00pm (Mon-Thu)
8:45am – 2:00pm (Fri)

Office Hours:
8:00am – 3:30pm (Mon – Fri)


Respect involves appreciating people, environment and objects. It entails acknowledging the value of individuals regardless of their beliefs or differences.

Shefali, Charlie & Anisha


Acceptance entails embracing others’ opinions and choices without passing judgement. It involves showing kindness by including and valuing individuals for who they are.

Eliana & Taumaia


Courage involves seizing opportunities and persevering despite obstacles. It means facing discomfort without fear and having the bravery to tackle challenges and take risks.

Sahana & Shruti


Integrity means consistently being honest and truthful, doing what is right, and taking responsibility for mistakes.

Justus, Bodene & AJ


Kindness is a mentality characterised by generosity and selflessness, without anticipating reciprocation. It involves inclusivity and demonstrates care for others.

Nasau & Rarima

Term highlights

Year highlights

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Hey everyone! Just a heads up—there’s no school this Thursday and Friday, February 6th and 7th. Soak up that extra weekend, Kedgley Aiga! ... See MoreSee Less
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Exciting news for our incoming Year 7 students! Your journey begins on Monday, February 3rd at 8:30 AM. We're so excited to welcome you to the Kedgley family. ... See MoreSee Less
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The first day of school for Year 7 students is Monday, 3rd of February, starting at 8:30 AM. ... See MoreSee Less
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